"I wonder what it is?" Thought Jimmy as he spotted a little blue circle off in the water. His parents had told him not to go into the water, the water didn't look so deep, and this was his first time, so his parents would understand. I nstead of listening to his parents words, he started for the water. "Maybe I could bring it back to mom and dad to show that I'm big enough to go into the water." He thought. As he got closer he saw more of the blue circles. They moved. The little boy stuck his hand into the water and grabbed a hand full of the blue rings, they grabbed his arm with strong little tentacles. He screamed, then started to feel sick the. He saw what the blue ring were, they were the blue rings on a blue ringed octopus one of the most poisonous animals in the world. By disobeying his parents the last thing Jimmy heard was his mother calling for him. The last thing he ever saw were the terrifying blue rings of the octopus. And at that time,...